¡Bienvenido a Wikiquote, Praxidicae!
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--Technopat (discusión) 14:56 8 jul 2019 (UTC)Responder

Hi Praxidicae. Nice to meet you. I hope you don't mind my asking but, could you please explain to me why you are deleting articles here? We really appreciate you reversing vandalism but I honestly don't think it's necessary for someone who is not a sysop on Wikiquote and does not speak aour language to delete articles. We have administrators here who are dedicated to that, you think we don't do it right? Thank you very much. --Jalu (discusión) 18:51 11 jul 2022 (UTC)Responder

It was crosswiki spam by a globally locked user, as such I have only deleted blatant spambots and spam from here, nothing controversial - this is in a GS wiki set and is opted in. If you want to opt out, you'll have to ask on Meta. Praxidicae (discusión) 18:51 11 jul 2022 (UTC)Responder
See meta:Stewards' noticeboard Praxidicae (discusión) 18:54 11 jul 2022 (UTC)Responder

I know, I don't need you to give me the link, but I think it would be much more polite if you inform a wikiquote sysop in Spanish so she can take care of it. --Jalu (discusión) 18:56 11 jul 2022 (UTC)Responder

I'm not sure why this is an issue none of my deletions or blocks are controversial, they are all almost entirely spambots - I appreciate you reaching out but I fail to see the issue here as it is an opted in GS wiki - if you'd like to opt out so that GS do not act, please do so at Meta. Praxidicae (discusión) 18:57 11 jul 2022 (UTC)Responder