Diferencia entre revisiones de «Donald Trump»

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Línea 18:
** Fuente, {{Cita web|url=https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/trump-tested-very-positively/|título=Did Trump Say He 'Tested Very Positively' for COVID-19, Meaning Negative?|fechaacceso=2020-08-01|sitioweb=Snopes.com|idioma=en-US}}
* «Millions of mail in ballots will be printed by foreign countries and others».
**Nota, refiriéndose aquea que si pierde en las elecciones es por un posible fraude.
** Fuente, {{Cita web|url=https://www.npr.org/2020/06/22/881598655/fact-check-trump-spreads-unfounded-claims-about-voting-by-mail|título=FACT CHECK: Trump Spreads Unfounded Claims About Voting By Mail|fechaacceso=2020-08-01|sitioweb=NPR.org|idioma=en}}
* «For the 1/100th time, the reason we show so many cases''(of COVID 19)'' compared to other countries that haven’t done nearly as well as we have, is that our TESTING is much bigger and better. We have tested 40,000,000 people. If we did 20,000,000 instead, Cases would be half, etc. Not reported!».
** Fuente, {{Cita web|url=https://sentinelcolorado.com/news/nation-world/fact-check/ap-fact-check-trump-keeps-repeating-false-pandemic-information/|título=AP FACT CHECK: Trump keeps repeating false pandemic information|fechaacceso=2020-08-01|apellido=Woodward|nombre=Calvin|fecha=2020-07-11|sitioweb=Sentinel Colorado|idioma=en-US}}
* «Otra frase célebre o cita».
** Fuentes, notas o referencias que ofrezcan veracidad.
* «Otra frase célebre o cita».
** Fuentes, notas o referencias que ofrezcan veracidad.