Diferencia entre revisiones de «Anne Brontë»

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Línea 29:
* «No tengo miedo a la [[muerte]]: si pensara que es inevitable, creo que podría resignarme tranquilamente a la perspectiva [...] Pero desearía que Dios me perdonara no solo por el bien de papá y Charlotte, sino porque anhelo hacer algo bueno en el mundo antes de dejarlo».
** En el original: «I have no horror of death: if I thought it inevitable I think I could quietly resign myself to the prospect... But I wish it would please God to spare me not only for Papa's and Charlotte's sakes, but because I long to do some good in the world before I leave it».<ref>{{cita libro| apellido={{versalita|Gaskell}} | nombre= Elizabeth| título= The life of Charlotte Brontë|url= https://books.google.es/books?id=AAfwzrVX5UIC&lpg=PT285&dq=I%20have%20no%20horror%20of%20death%3A%20if%20I%20thought%20it%20inevitable%20I%20think%20I%20could%20quietly%20resign%20myself%20to%20the%20prospect...%20But%20I%20wish%20it%20would%20please%20God%20to%20spare%20me%20not%20only%20for%20Papa's%20and%20Charlotte's%20sakes%2C%20but%20because%20I%20long%20to%20do%20some%20good%20in%20the%20world%20before%20I%20leave%20it.&hl=es&pg=PT285#v=onepage&q=I%20have%20no%20horror%20of%20death:%20if%20I%20thought%20it%20inevitable%20I%20think%20I%20could%20quietly%20resign%20myself%20to%20the%20prospect...%20But%20I%20wish%20it%20would%20please%20God%20to%20spare%20me%20not%20only%20for%20Papa's%20and%20Charlotte's%20sakes,%20but%20because%20I%20long%20to%20do%20some%20good%20in%20the%20world%20before%20I%20leave%20it.&f=false|editor= Angus Easson|editorial= OUP Oxford|fecha= 2009|isbn=9780191504594}}</ref>
** Contexto: Carta a Ellen Nussey, amiga de su hermana Charlotte, en 1849.
* «La lectura es mi ocupación predilecta, cuando tengo tiempo y libros que leer».<ref>{{cita libro| apellido={{versalita| Lutz}} | nombre=Deborah | título=El gabinete de las hermanas Brontë: Nueve objetos que marcaron sus vidas |url=https://books.google.es/books?id=W6A7DwAAQBAJ&lpg=PP124&dq=poemas%20de%20Gondal&hl=es&pg=PP12#v=onepage&q=poemas%20de%20Gondal&f=false |editor= Siruela|otros=Traductora: María Porras Sánchez|fecha= 2017|isbn=9788417151829 }}</ref>
** Fuente: ''Agnes Grey''
== Citas de sus poemas ==
=== Poemas de Gondal ===
* «¿Por qué cuando escucho el aliento tormentoso,
:Del [[viento]] salvaje del invierno,
:Corriendo sobre el brezo de la montaña,
:¿La tristeza llena mi mente?»
:«Durante mucho [[tiempo]] quise yacer
:Sobre el árido páramo,
:Para escuchar el viento salvaje soplando
:Con su incesante rugido».
** En el original:
:«Why when I hear the stormy breath,
:Of the wild winter wind,
:Rushing o'er the mountain heath,
:Does sadness fill my mind?»
:«For long ago I loved to lie
:Upon the pathless moor,
:To hear the wild wind rushing by
:With never ceasing roar;»<ref>{{versalita| The Brontës}}, 2010</ref>
** Fuente: ''Verses by Lady Geralda'', 1836
* «Hermosa era la tarde y el brillante sol
:Se derramaba sobre el desierto y la arboleda,
:Dulces eran las brisas y balsámicas las [[flor]]es
:Y despejados los cielos en las alturas»
* «Nos separamos en las aromáticas arboledas
: Bajo el cielo de Arabia
: ¿Cómo podría esperar encontrarme con él ahora?
: ¿Donde suspiran las brisas de Gondal?»
** En el original:<br>
:«Fair was the evening and brightly the sun
:Was shining on desart and grove,
:Sweet were the breezes and balmy the flowers
:And cloudless the heavens above».
:«We parted in the spicy groves
:Beneath Arabia's sky
:How could I hope to meet him now
:Where Gondal's breezes sigh?»<ref>{{versalita| The Brontës}}, 2010</ref>
** Fuente: ''Alexander and Zenobia'', 1837
:«Ahora estoy enterrado, he terminado con la [[vida]]
:He terminado con el odio, la venganza y la lucha
:He terminado con la alegría, esperanza y amor.
:Y todo el bullicioso mundo de arriba.
:»Hace mucho que he vivido aquí olvidado
:En afligido [[dolor]] y aburrida desesperación;
:Este lugar de soledad y tristeza
:Debe ser mi calabozo y mi tumba;»
**En el original:
:«I'm buried now I've done with life
:I've done with hate revenge and strife
:I've done with joy and hope & love
:And all the bustling world above
:»Long have I dwelt forgotten here
:In pining woe and dull despair;
:This place of solitude and gloom
:Must be my dungeon and my tomb;»<ref>{{versalita| The Brontës}}, 2010</ref>
** Fuente: ''A voice from the Dungeon'', 1838
== Sobre la autora ==
Línea 35 ⟶ 106:
** En el original: «Anne, dear gentle Anne was quite different in appearance from the others, and she was her aunt's favourite. Her hair was a very pretty light brown, and fell on her neck in graceful curls. She had lovely violet-blue eyes, fine pencilled eyebrows and a clear almost transparent complexion».<ref>{{versalita|Barker}} ([https://books.google.es/books?id=1dMUvr9PYLMC&lpg=PT194&dq=Anne%2C%20dear%20gentle%20Anne%20was%20quite%20different%20in%20appearance%20from%20the%20others%2C%20and%20she%20was%20her%20aunt's%20favourite.%20Her%20hair%20was%20a%20very%20pretty%20light%20brown%2C%20and%20fell%20on%20her%20neck%20in%20graceful%20curls.%20She%20had%20lovely%20violet-blue%20eyes%2C%20fine%20pencilled%20eyebrows%20and%20a%20clear%20almost%20transparent%20complexion.%20She%20still%20pursued%20her%20studies%20and%20especially%20her%20sewing%2C%20under%20the%20surveillance%20of%20her%20aunt&hl=es&pg=PT194#v=onepage&q=Anne,%20dear%20gentle%20Anne%20was%20quite%20different%20in%20appearance%20from%20the%20others,%20and%20she%20was%20her%20aunt's%20favourite.%20Her%20hair%20was%20a%20very%20pretty%20light%20brown,%20and%20fell%20on%20her%20neck%20in%20graceful%20curls.%20She%20had%20lovely%20violet-blue%20eyes,%20fine%20pencilled%20eyebrows%20and%20a%20clear%20almost%20transparent%20complexion.%20She%20still%20pursued%20her%20studies%20and%20especially%20her%20sewing,%20under%20the%20surveillance%20of%20her%20aunt&f=false Anne, dear gentle Anne...])</ref>
** [[Charlotte Brontë]]
* «»
== Referencias ==
Línea 41 ⟶ 112:
== Bibliografía ==
* {{cita libro| apellido={{versalita| The Brontës}}| título=Tales of Glass Town, Angria, and Gondal: Selected Early Writings|páginas= 441-453|url= |editor=Christine Alexander |editorial=OUP Oxford |fecha=2010 |isbn= 9780191613500}}
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