Diferencia entre revisiones de «Anne Brontë»

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{{esbozo vacío|19|julio}}
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|título = Anne Brontë
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== Citas ==
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* «Cuando tenemos que tratar con el [[vicio]] y los personajes viciosos, sostengo que es mejor representarlos como realmente son a como desearían aparecer. Representar algo malo en su forma menos ofensiva es sin duda el camino más agradable que puede seguir un escritor de ficción; pero, ¿es el más honesto o el más seguro? ¿Es mejor revelar las trampas y escollos de la vida al viajero joven e irreflexivo, o cubrirlas con ramas y flores? ¡Oh lector! si hubiera menos de este delicado ocultamiento de los hechos, este susurro de 'paz, paz' —cuando no hay paz—, habría menos pecado y miseria para los jóvenes de ambos sexos que son abandonados para extraer su amargo conocimiento de la experiencia».
** En el original: «When we have to do with vice and vicious characters, I maintain it is better to depict them as they really are than as they would wish to appear. To represent a bad thing in its least offensive light, is doubtless the most agreeable course for a writer of fiction to pursue; but is it the most honest, or the safest? Is it better to reveal the snares and pitfalls of life to the young and thoughtless traveller, or to cover them with branches and flowers? O Reader! if there were less of this delicate concealment of facts –this whispering 'Peace, peace,' when there is no peace, there would be less of sin and misery to the young of both sexes who are left to wring their bitter knowledge from experience».<ref>{{cita libro| apellido={{versalita|Barker}}|nombre=Juliet | título= The Brontes|url=https://books.google.es/books?id=1dMUvr9PYLMC&lpg=PT510&dq=When%20we%20have%20to%20do%20with%20vice%20and%20vicious%20characters%2C%20I%20maintain%20it%20is%20better%20to%20depict%20them%20as%20they%20really%20are%20than%20as%20they%20would%20wish%20to%20appear.%20To%20represent%20a%20bad%20thing&hl=es&pg=PT510#v=onepage&q=When%20we%20have%20to%20do%20with%20vice%20and%20vicious%20characters,%20I%20maintain%20it%20is%20better%20to%20depict%20them%20as%20they%20really%20are%20than%20as%20they%20would%20wish%20to%20appear.%20To%20represent%20a%20bad%20thing&f=false |editor=Hachette UK |fecha= 2010 |isbn= 9780748122189}}</ref>
** Contexto: Declaración de Brontë ante las críticas por la descripción del personaje Huntingdon, en la publicación de la segunda edición de ''The Tenant of Wildfell Hall''.
* «No tengo miedo a la [[muerte]]: si pensara que es inevitable, creo que podría resignarme tranquilamente a la perspectiva [...] Pero desearía que Dios me perdonara no solo por el bien de papá y Charlotte, sino porque anhelo hacer algo bueno en el mundo antes de dejarlo».
** En el original: «I have no horror of death: if I thought it inevitable I think I could quietly resign myself to the prospect... But I wish it would please God to spare me not only for Papa's and Charlotte's sakes, but because I long to do some good in the world before I leave it».<ref>{{cita libro| apellido={{versalita|Gaskell}} | nombre= Elizabeth| título= The life of Charlotte Brontë|url= https://books.google.es/books?id=AAfwzrVX5UIC&lpg=PT285&dq=I%20have%20no%20horror%20of%20death%3A%20if%20I%20thought%20it%20inevitable%20I%20think%20I%20could%20quietly%20resign%20myself%20to%20the%20prospect...%20But%20I%20wish%20it%20would%20please%20God%20to%20spare%20me%20not%20only%20for%20Papa's%20and%20Charlotte's%20sakes%2C%20but%20because%20I%20long%20to%20do%20some%20good%20in%20the%20world%20before%20I%20leave%20it.&hl=es&pg=PT285#v=onepage&q=I%20have%20no%20horror%20of%20death:%20if%20I%20thought%20it%20inevitable%20I%20think%20I%20could%20quietly%20resign%20myself%20to%20the%20prospect...%20But%20I%20wish%20it%20would%20please%20God%20to%20spare%20me%20not%20only%20for%20Papa's%20and%20Charlotte's%20sakes,%20but%20because%20I%20long%20to%20do%20some%20good%20in%20the%20world%20before%20I%20leave%20it.&f=false|editor= Angus Easson|editorial= OUP Oxford|fecha= 2009|isbn=9780191504594}}</ref>
** Contexto: Carta a Ellen Nussey, amiga de Charlotte en 1849.
== Sobre la autora ==
* «Anne, la querida y gentil Anne era muy diferente en apariencia a las demás, y era la favorita de su tía. Su cabello era de un castaño claro muy bonito y caía sobre su cuello en elegantes rizos. Tenía unos hermosos [[ojo]]s azul violeta, unas cejas finamente perfiladas y una tez clara, casi transparente».
** En el original: «Anne, dear gentle Anne was quite different in appearance from the others, and she was her aunt's favourite. Her hair was a very pretty light brown, and fell on her neck in graceful curls. She had lovely violet-blue eyes, fine pencilled eyebrows and a clear almost transparent complexion».<ref>{{versalita|Barker}} ([https://books.google.es/books?id=1dMUvr9PYLMC&lpg=PT194&dq=Anne%2C%20dear%20gentle%20Anne%20was%20quite%20different%20in%20appearance%20from%20the%20others%2C%20and%20she%20was%20her%20aunt's%20favourite.%20Her%20hair%20was%20a%20very%20pretty%20light%20brown%2C%20and%20fell%20on%20her%20neck%20in%20graceful%20curls.%20She%20had%20lovely%20violet-blue%20eyes%2C%20fine%20pencilled%20eyebrows%20and%20a%20clear%20almost%20transparent%20complexion.%20She%20still%20pursued%20her%20studies%20and%20especially%20her%20sewing%2C%20under%20the%20surveillance%20of%20her%20aunt&hl=es&pg=PT194#v=onepage&q=Anne,%20dear%20gentle%20Anne%20was%20quite%20different%20in%20appearance%20from%20the%20others,%20and%20she%20was%20her%20aunt's%20favourite.%20Her%20hair%20was%20a%20very%20pretty%20light%20brown,%20and%20fell%20on%20her%20neck%20in%20graceful%20curls.%20She%20had%20lovely%20violet-blue%20eyes,%20fine%20pencilled%20eyebrows%20and%20a%20clear%20almost%20transparent%20complexion.%20She%20still%20pursued%20her%20studies%20and%20especially%20her%20sewing,%20under%20the%20surveillance%20of%20her%20aunt&f=false Anne, dear gentle Anne...])</ref>
** [[Charlotte Brontë]]
* «»
== Referencias ==
{{DEFAULTSORT:Brontë, Anne}}
[[Categoría:EscritoresPoetas de Reino Unido]]
[[Categoría:Novelistas de Reino Unido]]