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* «Un buen [[gobierno]] es como una buena [[digestión]]; mientras funciona, casi no la percibimos». <ref>Villamarín Pulido{{Versalita|Palomo}}, LuisEduardo. Alberto''Cita-logía''. Superación Personal[https://books.google.es/books?isbn=1629346845 Tesoropág. de143] laPunto sabiduría- Tomo I. Editor LuisRojo VillamarinLibros, 20152013. ISBN 978-14-99301-44-1.p9788416068104. 240.</ref>
* «Chicos, parece que ustedes no se dan cuenta, hijo. No es tan importante que saque dinero del pequeño acre de Dios para dárselo a la iglesia y al predicador, es solo el hecho de que lo instalé en Su nombre. Todos ustedes chicos parecen pensar en las cosas que pueden ver y tocar, que no están viviendo. Son las cosas que puedes sentir dentro de ti, para eso está hecho el vivir».
** Original: «''You boys don't seem to catch on, son. It an't so important that I get money out of God' little acre to give to the church and the preacher, it's just the fact that I set that up in His name. All you boys seem to think about is the things you can see and touch—that ain’t living. It’s the things you can feel inside of you—that’s what living is made for''».
** Fuente: [https://books.google.es/books?id=Yi1kSMr26tkC&pg=PT229&dq=All+you+boys+seem+to+think+about+is+the+things+you+can+see+and+touch%E2%80%94that+ain%E2%80%99t+living.+It%E2%80%99s+the+things+you+can+feel+inside+of+you%E2%80%94that%E2%80%99s+what+living+is+made+for.+Erskine+Caldwell&hl=es&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjnsvabtMXgAhWHyoUKHSqBCYUQ6AEIMDAB#v=onepage&q=All%20you%20boys%20seem%20to%20think%20about%20is%20the%20things%20you%20can%20see%20and%20touch%E2%80%94that%20ain%E2%80%99t%20living.%20It%E2%80%99s%20the%20things%20you%20can%20feel%20inside%20of%20you%E2%80%94that%E2%80%99s%20what%20living%20is%20made%20for.%20Erskine%20Caldwell&f=false ''God's Little Acre: A Novel''. Erskine Caldwell. Editorial Open Road Media, 2011. ISBN 9781453216989.]
** Fuente:«Ve al trabajo. El sol ya ha salido hace media hora. Poca cosa haremos si esperamos hasta que salga el sol antes de empezar a cavar». [''Go to work [...]. The sun's been up half an hour already. We can't get nothing done if we're going to wait till after the sun rises before we start digging''.] <ref> [https://books.google.es/books?id=Yi1kSMr26tkC&pg=PT229&dq=All+you+boys+seem+to+think+about+is+the+things+you+can+see+and+touch%E2%80%94that+ain%E2%80%99t+living.+It%E2%80%99s+the+things+you+can+feel+inside+of+you%E2%80%94that%E2%80%99s+what+living+is+made+for.+Erskine+Caldwell&hl=es&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjnsvabtMXgAhWHyoUKHSqBCYUQ6AEIMDAB#v=onepage&q=All%20you%20boys%20seem%20to%20think%20about%20is%20the%20things%20you%20can%20see%20and%20touch%E2%80%94that%20ain%E2%80%99t%20living.%20It%E2%80%99s%20the%20things%20you%20can%20feel%20inside%20of%20you%E2%80%94that%E2%80%99s%20what%20living%20is%20made%20for.%20Erskine%20Caldwell&f=false ''God's Little Acre: A Novel''. Erskine Caldwell. Editorial Open Road Media, 2011. ISBN 9781453216989.]</ref>
* «La escena de mi primera toma de conciencia de la existencia de diferencias de color entre las personas fue mi lugar de nacimiento en una granja aislada en las profundidades del bosque de pinos de las colinas de arcilla roja del condado de Coweta en el centro de Georgia. Mi introducción a la realidad de una línea divisoria entre personas de piel blanca y personas de piel negra fue abrupta».
** Original: «''The scene pf my first becoming aware of the existence of color differences among people was my birthplace on an isolated farm deep in the piney.wood country of the red clay hills of Coweta County in Middle Georgia. My introduction to the reality of a dividing line between white-skin people and black-skin people was abrupt''».
** Fuente: [https://books.google.es/books?id=7dVBx3myS9gC&printsec=frontcover&dq=Erskine+Caldwell&hl=es&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiw5duYucXgAhUL4YUKHZTaBWAQ6AEIKzAA#v=onepage&q=Erskine%20Caldwell&f=false ''In Search of Bisco: A Memoir''. Erskine Caldwell. Editorial Open Road Media, 2011. ISBN 9781453217221. Primeras líneas del libro.]
* «¿Por qué no vas a la iglesia más de lo que lo haces entonces? [...] Si crees tanto en Dios, ¿por qué no vas a menudo?».
** Original: «''Why don't you go to church more than you do then? [...] If you believe so much in God, why don´t you go there oftener?''»
** Fuente: [https://books.google.es/books?id=Yi1kSMr26tkC&pg=PT229&dq=All+you+boys+seem+to+think+about+is+the+things+you+can+see+and+touch%E2%80%94that+ain%E2%80%99t+living.+It%E2%80%99s+the+things+you+can+feel+inside+of+you%E2%80%94that%E2%80%99s+what+living+is+made+for.+Erskine+Caldwell&hl=es&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjnsvabtMXgAhWHyoUKHSqBCYUQ6AEIMDAB#v=onepage&q=All%20you%20boys%20seem%20to%20think%20about%20is%20the%20things%20you%20can%20see%20and%20touch%E2%80%94that%20ain%E2%80%99t%20living.%20It%E2%80%99s%20the%20things%20you%20can%20feel%20inside%20of%20you%E2%80%94that%E2%80%99s%20what%20living%20is%20made%20for.%20Erskine%20Caldwell&f=false ''God's Little Acre: A Novel''. Erskine Caldwell. Editorial Open Road Media, 2011. ISBN 9781453216989.]
== Referencias ==
* «Un buen [[gobierno]] es como una buena [[digestión]]; mientras funciona, casi no la percibimos». <ref>Villamarín Pulido, Luis Alberto. Superación Personal: Tesoro de la sabiduría- Tomo I. Editor Luis Villamarin, 2015. ISBN 978-14-99301-44-1.p. 240.</ref>
* «Ve al trabajo [...]. El sol ya ha salido hace media hora. No podemos hacer nada si esperamos hasta que salga el sol antes de empezar a cavar»
** Original: «''Go to work [...]. The sun's been up half an hour already. We can't get nothing done if we're going to wait till after the sun rises before we start digging''».
** Fuente: [https://books.google.es/books?id=Yi1kSMr26tkC&pg=PT229&dq=All+you+boys+seem+to+think+about+is+the+things+you+can+see+and+touch%E2%80%94that+ain%E2%80%99t+living.+It%E2%80%99s+the+things+you+can+feel+inside+of+you%E2%80%94that%E2%80%99s+what+living+is+made+for.+Erskine+Caldwell&hl=es&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjnsvabtMXgAhWHyoUKHSqBCYUQ6AEIMDAB#v=onepage&q=All%20you%20boys%20seem%20to%20think%20about%20is%20the%20things%20you%20can%20see%20and%20touch%E2%80%94that%20ain%E2%80%99t%20living.%20It%E2%80%99s%20the%20things%20you%20can%20feel%20inside%20of%20you%E2%80%94that%E2%80%99s%20what%20living%20is%20made%20for.%20Erskine%20Caldwell&f=false ''God's Little Acre: A Novel''. Erskine Caldwell. Editorial Open Road Media, 2011. ISBN 9781453216989.]
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