Diferencia entre revisiones de «Joseph Addison»

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Línea 24:
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* «El hombre debe considerar siempre lo que tiene antes de lo que quiere; la infelicidad viene cuando la [[realidad]] no llega».<ref>Escandón, Rafael, ''Frases célebres para toda ocasión''. Editorial Diana, 1982. ISBN 978-96-8131-285-5, p. 118.</ref>{{fuentes}}
* «El [[Sabiduría|saber]], después de la [[virtud]], es ciertamente lo que eleva a un hombre a mayor altura que otro».<ref name="orbl">Ortega Blake, Arturo. ''El gran libro de las frases célebres''. Penguin Random House Grupo Editorial México, 2013 ISBN 978-60-7311-631-2.</ref>
* «En verdad que el hombre no es más que una [[sombra]], y la vida, un [[sueño]]».<ref>Morales Uribe, Alberto. ''Historias casi ficticias'', p. 9. Número 44 de Colección Cultiva. Editor Cultivalibros, 2009. ISBN 9788492519767, p. 9.</ref>
* «La [[lectura]] es para la mente lo que el ejercicio es para el [[cuerpo]]».<ref>Villamarin Pulido, Luis Alberto. ''Superación personal: Tesoro de la sabiduría''- Tomo II, p. 77. Editorial Luis Villamarin, 2015. ISBN 9781512274851, p. 77.</ref>
* «La salud y la alegría se engendran naturalmente».
Línea 36:
* «La verdadera [[felicidad]] no está confinada en ningún lugar, pero aún se encuentra en una [[mente]] contenta».
** FuenteOriginal: «True happiness is to no place confined, But still is found in a contented mind».<ref>Addison, Joseph (en inglés). [https://books.google.es/books?id=1Z1KAQAAMAAJ&pg=PA289&lpg=PA289&dq=Joy+is,+above+all,+health+promotion.+Joseph+Addison&source=bl&ots=K1uJNCNc_Z&sig=EcApzQUNAdTWH-uJs1lvW7OXoJY&hl=es&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwj69siqsebfAhVR1xoKHc30CrwQ6AEwCXoECAYQAQ#v=onepage&q=True%20happiness%20is%20to%20no%20place%20confin'd%2C%20&f=false ''The Works of Joseph Addison: The Spectator, no. 1-314''. Volumen 1 de The Works of Joseph Addison: Complete in Three Volumes: Embracing the Whole of the "Spectator. JosephPágina Addison289.] Harper & Brothers, 1837. PáginaEn 289Google Libros.]</ref>
** Original: «True happiness is to no place confined, But still is found in a contented mind».
** Fuente: [https://books.google.es/books?id=1Z1KAQAAMAAJ&pg=PA289&lpg=PA289&dq=Joy+is,+above+all,+health+promotion.+Joseph+Addison&source=bl&ots=K1uJNCNc_Z&sig=EcApzQUNAdTWH-uJs1lvW7OXoJY&hl=es&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwj69siqsebfAhVR1xoKHc30CrwQ6AEwCXoECAYQAQ#v=onepage&q=True%20happiness%20is%20to%20no%20place%20confin'd%2C%20&f=false ''The Works of Joseph Addison: The Spectator, no. 1-314''. Volumen 1 de The Works of Joseph Addison: Complete in Three Volumes: Embracing the Whole of the "Spectator. Joseph Addison. Harper & Brothers, 1837. Página 289.]
* «Lo esencial para ser feliz en esta vida es tener algo que hacer, algo que amar y algo que esperar».<ref>Verti, Sebastián. ''El gran libro de la sabiduría humana: en tus apuros y afanes, pide consejo a los refranes'', p. 277. Editorial Diana, 1998. ISBN 9789681331139, p. 277.</ref>
* «No hay una cosa tan variable en la [[naturaleza]] como el tocado de una dama: en mi propia [[memoria]], lo he visto subir y bajar más de treinta grados».
** Original: «There is not so variable a thing in nature as a lady's headdress: within my own memory I have known it rise and fall above thirty degrees».<ref>Addison, Joseph; Richard Hurd (ed.). [https://books.google.es/books?id=coRjAAAAMAAJ&pg=PA227&dq=There+is+not+so+variable+a+thing+in+nature+as+a+lady%27s+head-dress.+Joseph+Addison&hl=es&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjXur3ztObfAhUEcBQKHbSGDFcQ6AEIKDAA#v=onepage&q=There%20is%20not%20so%20variable%20a%20thing%20in%20nature%20as%20a%20lady's%20head-dress.%20Joseph%20Addison&f=false ''Spectator, número 98''. ''The Works of the Right Honourable Joseph Addison, Volumen 3''. Página 227.] Editorial T. Cadell and W. Davies, 1811. En Google Libros.</ref>
** Fuente: [https://books.google.es/books?id=coRjAAAAMAAJ&pg=PA227&dq=There+is+not+so+variable+a+thing+in+nature+as+a+lady%27s+head-dress.+Joseph+Addison&hl=es&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjXur3ztObfAhUEcBQKHbSGDFcQ6AEIKDAA#v=onepage&q=There%20is%20not%20so%20variable%20a%20thing%20in%20nature%20as%20a%20lady's%20head-dress.%20Joseph%20Addison&f=false ''Spectator, número 98''. ''The Works of the Right Honourable Joseph Addison, Volumen 3''. Joseph Addison. Editor Richard Hurd. Editorial T. Cadell and W. Davies, 1811. Página 227.]
* «No hay nada más necesario en el [[negocio]] que la prontitud».
** FuenteOriginal: «There is nothing more requisite in business than dispatch».<ref>Addison, Joseph; Greene, George Washington (ed.). [https://books.google.es/books?id=7mWR65b54I0C&pg=PA351&dq=There+is+nothing+more+requisite+in+business+than+dispatch.+Joseph+Addison&hl=es&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwit89zztubfAhWL1-AKHYCyDAUQ6AEIKDAA#v=onepage&q=There%20is%20nothing%20more%20requisite%20in%20business%20than%20dispatch.%20Joseph%20Addison&f=false ''«The drummer», '' The works of Joseph Addison: including the whole contents of B. Hurd's edition, with letters and other pieces not found in any previous collection, and Macaulay's essay on his life and works'', Volumen 1., Joseph Addisonp. Editor George Washington Greene351.] Editorial Putnam, 1856. PáginaEn 351Google Libros.]</ref>
** Original: «There is nothing more requisite in business than dispatch».
** Fuente: [https://books.google.es/books?id=7mWR65b54I0C&pg=PA351&dq=There+is+nothing+more+requisite+in+business+than+dispatch.+Joseph+Addison&hl=es&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwit89zztubfAhWL1-AKHYCyDAUQ6AEIKDAA#v=onepage&q=There%20is%20nothing%20more%20requisite%20in%20business%20than%20dispatch.%20Joseph%20Addison&f=false ''The drummer'' The works of Joseph Addison: including the whole contents of B. Hurd's edition, with letters and other pieces not found in any previous collection, and Macaulay's essay on his life and works, Volumen 1. Joseph Addison. Editor George Washington Greene. Editorial Putnam, 1856. Página 351.]
* «Ninguna virtud hay tan verdaderamente grande y a semejanza divina como la [[justicia]]».<ref>''Veritas argentina'', volumen 14, números 157-168. Colaborador Francisco Antonio Rizzuto (jr.). Publicado en 1944, p. 113.</ref>
* «Pero para considerar este tema en sus luces más [[Ridículo|ridículas]], los anuncios son de gran [[utilidad]] para los vulgares. En primer lugar ya que son instrumentos de la [[ambición]]. Un [[hombre]] que de ninguna manera es lo suficientemente grande para la Gazette, puede deslizarse fácilmente en los anuncios; por lo que a menudo vemos un boticario en el mismo [[Prensa escrita|periódico de noticias]] que un [[Diplomacia|plenipotenciario]], o a un lacayo con un embajador».
** Original: «But to consider this subject in its most ridiculous lights, advertisements are of great use to the vulgar. First of all as they are instruments of ambition. A man that is by no means big enough for the ''Gazette'', may easily creep into the advertisements; by which means we often see an apothecary in the same paper of news with a plenipotentiary, or a running footman with an ambassador».<ref>Addison, Joseph (en inglés). [https://books.google.es/books?id=mPk7AQAAMAAJ&pg=PA67&dq=Advertisements+are+of+great+use+to+the+vulgar.+First+of+all,+as+they+are+instruments+of+ambition.+A+man+that+is+by+no+means+big+enough+for+the+Gazette,+may+easily+creep+into+the+advertisements;+by+which+means+we+often+see+an+apothecary+in+the+same+paper+of+news+with+a+plenipotentiary,+or+a+running+footman+with+an+ambassador&hl=es&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjtqeWPpObfAhVG1eAKHYr6C1sQ6AEILzAB#v=onepage&q=Advertisements%20are%20of%20great%20use%20to%20the%20vulgar.%20First%20of%20all%2C%20as%20they%20are%20instruments%20of%20ambition.%20A%20man%20that%20is%20by%20no%20means%20big%20enough%20for%20the%20Gazette%2C%20may%20easily%20creep%20into%20the%20advertisements%3B%20by%20which%20means%20we%20often%20see%20an%20apothecary%20in%20the%20same%20paper%20of%20news%20with%20a%20plenipotentiary%2C%20or%20a%20running%20footman%20with%20an%20ambassador&f=false ''The Tatler'' n.º 224, jueves, 14 de septiembre de 1710. ''The Tatler. The Guardian. The Freeholder. The Whig-examiner. The lover. Dialogues upon the usefulness of ancient medals...'' Volumen 3 de The Works of Joseph Addison, p. 67.] Harper & Brothers, 1845. En Google Libros.</ref>
** Fuente: [https://books.google.es/books?id=mPk7AQAAMAAJ&pg=PA67&dq=Advertisements+are+of+great+use+to+the+vulgar.+First+of+all,+as+they+are+instruments+of+ambition.+A+man+that+is+by+no+means+big+enough+for+the+Gazette,+may+easily+creep+into+the+advertisements;+by+which+means+we+often+see+an+apothecary+in+the+same+paper+of+news+with+a+plenipotentiary,+or+a+running+footman+with+an+ambassador&hl=es&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjtqeWPpObfAhVG1eAKHYr6C1sQ6AEILzAB#v=onepage&q=Advertisements%20are%20of%20great%20use%20to%20the%20vulgar.%20First%20of%20all%2C%20as%20they%20are%20instruments%20of%20ambition.%20A%20man%20that%20is%20by%20no%20means%20big%20enough%20for%20the%20Gazette%2C%20may%20easily%20creep%20into%20the%20advertisements%3B%20by%20which%20means%20we%20often%20see%20an%20apothecary%20in%20the%20same%20paper%20of%20news%20with%20a%20plenipotentiary%2C%20or%20a%20running%20footman%20with%20an%20ambassador&f=false ''The Tatler'' n.º 224, jueves, 14 de septiembre de 1710. Addison, Joseph. ''The Tatler. The Guardian. The Freeholder. The Whig-examiner. The lover. Dialogues upon the usefulness of ancient medals...'' Volumen 3 de The Works of Joseph Addison. Editorial Harper & Brothers, 1845. Página 67.]
===[[Últimas palabras famosas|Últimas palabras]]===
* «Mira en qué [[paz]] puede [[muerte|morir]] un cristiano».
** FuenteOriginal: «See in what peace a Christian can die».<ref>Aikin, Lucy. [https://books.google.es/books?id=xEoJAAAAQAAJ&pg=PA236&dq=See+in+what+peace+a+Christian+can+die.+Joseph+Addison&hl=es&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjzm9HkuObfAhVy1-AKHdPrA7QQ6AEIKDAA#v=onepage&q=See%20in%20what%20peace%20a%20Christian%20can%20die.%20Joseph%20Addison&f=false Aikin, Lucy. ''The Life of Joseph Addison, volumen 2'', p. Library of English literature236. Editorial] Longman, Brown, Green, and Longmans, 1843. PáginaEn 236Google Libros.]</ref>
** Original: «See in what peace a Christian can die».
** Fuente: [https://books.google.es/books?id=xEoJAAAAQAAJ&pg=PA236&dq=See+in+what+peace+a+Christian+can+die.+Joseph+Addison&hl=es&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjzm9HkuObfAhVy1-AKHdPrA7QQ6AEIKDAA#v=onepage&q=See%20in%20what%20peace%20a%20Christian%20can%20die.%20Joseph%20Addison&f=false Aikin, Lucy. ''The Life of Joseph Addison, volumen 2''. Library of English literature. Editorial Longman, Brown, Green, and Longmans, 1843. Página 236.]
== Referencias ==
Línea 65 ⟶ 60:
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[[Categoría:Escritores de Reino Unido]]
[[Categoría:Políticos de Reino Unido]]