Diferencia entre revisiones de «John McMurtry»

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quedó masomenos bien, creo
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Línea 6:
*«En la última edad oscura uno puede indagar en las investigaciones de los pensadores conservados de esta era, desde Agustín hasta Ockham, y no conseguir encontrar ni una sola página de crítica al marco social establecido, sin embargo la servidumbre feudal racionalmente intolerable, el paternalismo absolutista, el derecho divino de los reyes, y el resto pueden darse. En el actual orden final, ¿es tan diferente? ¿Podemos ver en los medios de comunicación, o en la prensa universitaria, un párrafo de claro desenmascaramiento del régimen global que condena a un tercio de todos los niños a sufrir de malnutrición habiendo alimento disponible más que suficiente? En esta clase de orden, el pensamiento se hace indistinguible de la propaganda. Sólo se permite hablar de una doctrina, y una casta sacerdotal de sus expertos prescriben las necesidades y obligaciones de todos. La conciencia social está encarcelada dentro del rol de un tipo de lógica ceremonial que opera enteramente dentro del marco recibido de un aparato regulatorio exhaustivamente prescrito que protege los privilegios de los privilegiados. La censura metódica triunfa bajo la apariencia de rigor académico y el único espacio restante para el pensamiento analítico se convierte en el juego de racionalizaciones en competencia».
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! ''Idioma original:''
|«In the last dark age, one can search the inquiries of this era's preserved thinkers, from Augustine to Ockham, and fail to discover a single page of criticism of the established social framework, however rationally insupportable feudal bondage, absolute paternalism, divine right of kings, and the rest may be. In the current final order, is it so different? Can we see in any media or even university press a paragraph of clear unmasking of the global regime that condemns a third of all children to malnutrition with more food than enough available? In such an order, thought becomes indistinguishable from propaganda. Only one doctrine is speakable, and a priest caste of its experts prescribe the necessities and obligations to all. Social consciousness is incarcerated within the role of a kind of ceremonial logic operating entirely within the received framework of an exhaustively prescribed regulatory apparatus protecting the privileges of the privileged. Methodical censorship triumphs in the guise of scholarly rigor and the only room left for searching thought becomes the game of competing rationalizations."
** ''Fuente:'' The Cancer Stage Of Capitalism <ref>[http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D0zy_FuJqNA&t=9m14s Patología social de Peter Joseph]</ref>
{| class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed wikitable"! ''Idioma original:''|- |«In the last dark age, one can search the inquiries of this era's preserved thinkers, from Augustine to Ockham, and fail to discover a single page of criticism of the established social framework, however rationally insupportable feudal bondage, absolute paternalism, divine right of kings, and the rest may be. In the current final order, is it so different? Can we see in any media or even university press a paragraph of clear unmasking of the global regime that condemns a third of all children to malnutrition with more food than enough available? In such an order, thought becomes indistinguishable from propaganda. Only one doctrine is speakable, and a priest caste of its experts prescribe the necessities and obligations to all. Social consciousness is incarcerated within the role of a kind of ceremonial logic operating entirely within the received framework of an exhaustively prescribed regulatory apparatus protecting the privileges of the privileged. Methodical censorship triumphs in the guise of scholarly rigor and the only room left for searching thought becomes the game of competing rationalizations."
=== En Zeitgeist Moving Forward ===